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- Summitted Mount Everest at 25
- World Press Photo winning photographer and film maker
- Inspirational father who solo travels with his toddler children
- Co- Founded The Poverty Line, a global poverty project that was highlighted by the World Bank and exhibited internationally

- Journalist based in Beijing
- Author of Wish Lanterns: Young Lives in New China
- Co-editor of While We’re Here, an anthology of stories from China
- Founder and editor of the Anthill, a ‘writers’ colony’ of stories from China

- Co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI
- Futurist and Artificial Intelligence Expert
- Philanthropist
- Chairman of 21C GIRLS, a charity that delivers free coding classes to girls in Singapore
- Co-Author of Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization
- Served on the Singapore Ministry of Education’s ASPIRE Steering Committee that developed a blueprint for transforming the national higher education system towards innovative industries
- An education, technology, and urbanization expert
- Co-Founder of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a research and advisory group established to analyze emerging technologies and their social, economic and political implications

- Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS
- Founding Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
- Former President, UNSC (Jan 2001 and May 2002)
- Former Permanent Secretary (CEO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
- Honorary International Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Visiting Fellow, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

- Founder and CEO of Climate Alpha Global
- Founder & Managing Partner of FutureMap
- The leading next-generation voice in geopolitics and global markets
- One of Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century”
- Senior Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

- Former White House Senior Policy Advisor for Nutrition and Chef to the President
- Founding partner of TROVE, an organization helping sustainable companies grow
- Senior Food Analyst at NBC News
- Venture partner in Acre Venture Partners
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