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Rick HELFENBEIN is the former president and CEO of the American Apparel & Footwear Association, the national trade association representing more than 1,000 brands in the apparel, footwear, and accessories industry. Rick is credited with overseeing a full overhaul of the … Continued

● International Conductor, Composer, and Leadership Mentor
● Founder of Israel Stage Orchestra
● Entrepreneur and manager of the hugely popular “Conducting Success” and “Master Class”
● Leading expert on using music for personal development

- Founder, Center10 Consulting LLC which is focused on Innovation, Strategy, Talent and Organizational Change
- An expert in strategy, innovation and operational
- Senior Fellow, Center for Talent Innovation which does cutting edge research on workforce factors and innovation

- Founder and CEO of Young China Group
- Author of Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World, which explores a wide and deep range of identity questions impacting the country’s emerging young generation
- Fluent Mandarin speaker