  • Editor-at-large at SupChina
  • Consultant and Author
  • Author of the critically-acclaimed The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, 1776 to the Present
  • Author of Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China
  • Formerly the Beijing bureau chief and editor with The Washington Post
Kent Calder 001
  • Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at SAIS, Johns Hopkins University
  • An expert in East Asian political economy
  • Former Special Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Kishore Mahbubani
  • Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS
  • Founding Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
  • Former President, UNSC (Jan 2001 and May 2002)
  • Former Permanent Secretary (CEO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
  • Honorary International Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Visiting Fellow, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
Cheng Li 001
  • Professor of political science and Founding Director of the Centre on Governance of China and the World at the University of Hong Kong
  • Former Director of Research and Senior Fellow of the John. L. Thornton China Center at The Brookings Institution
  • An expert in China’s political science and China-US relations
  • A Director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations



Logan Wright is a Partner at Rhodium Group and leads the firm’s China Markets Research work. Logan is also a Senior Associate of the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Previously, … Continued

Matthew Griffin headshot


  • Futurist and Founder of the 311 Institute
  • “The Adviser Behind The Advisers”
  • Award-winning International Keynote Speaker
  • Member of Centrica’s Prestigious Technology and Innovation Committee
Michael J. Green
  • Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
  • Former director of Asian affairs at National Security Council (NSC)
  • Member of the American Council on Foreign Relations


Washington Institutute for Near East Policy
1828 L St NW #1050 Washington DC 20036
  • Lane-Swig Senior Fellow and Managing Director at the Washington Institute
  • Senior Director for the Near East and North Africa at the US National Security Council from 2005-2008
  • Co-chair of Mitt Romney’s 2012 State Department transition team
  • Diplomatic advisor to the Romney presidential campaign in 2012
  • Special Assistant to Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice from 2004-2005
  • Founder and CEO of Climate Alpha Global
  • Founder & Managing Partner of FutureMap
  • The leading next-generation voice in geopolitics and global markets
  • One of Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century”
  • Senior Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2016 to 2019
  • British Conservative Politician

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