  • President of Harves Investment Group
  • Founder of The Wade Group
  • Former Senior Vice President and Head of China Operations at Green Tech Automotive
Taiya Smith
  • Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s top advisor on China.
  • Designed and managed the U.S.- China Strategic Economic Dialogue, highest level dialogue between the two countries governments.
  • Architect of the U.S-China Ten Year Cooperative Framework on Energy and the Environment, which continues to serve as the foundation of the bilateral relationship on energy and environmental issues. Launched the EcoPartnership dialogue.
  • A leading advisor to international companies and governments looking to engage in China.
  • Founder and CEO, The Green Trust, a platform for innovation in environmental and clean energy technologies.
Secretary Barbara Franklin headshot
  • President and Chief Executive Officer of Barbara Franklin Enterprises
  • An expert in corporate governance, auditing, and financial reporting practices
  • The 29th U.S. Secretary of Commerce for President George H.W. Bush


dsc_4839Admiral Buck Shots 1
  • 63rd Superintendent of the US Naval Academy, the nation’s premier leadershipdevelopment institution
  • Over 4000 flight hours and command- level leadership at the Squadron, Air Wing, and three higher- level organizations culminating with command of the US FOURTH Fleet.
  • Having commanded six times in the military, he has tremendous applied-leadership experience at the highest levels of military and government as well as specialization in strategy and policy development and international affairs.
  • Ashore, he had over a decade of service in the Pentagon on multiple tours of duty with the Navy Staff as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During these tours he specialized in strategy and policy development, international affairs, as well as personnel management.
©Simona Janek All right reserved

Aliza KNOX was named the IT Woman of the Year (Asia) in 2020, in the top 100 Women in Tech 2021 (Singapore), the AWA Singapore International Business Woman of the Year in 2015, elected to Chief Executive Women (Australia) in … Continued

  • Navy SEAL combat veteran
  • Successful entrepreneur and expert in leadership and organizational management
  • Undergraduate degrees in Finance & Economics, MBA, degrees in English & History from Oxford University
  • TV personality
  • Philanthropist
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  • Founding partner of the Rhodium Group (RHG)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University
  • Former Senior Adviser for International Economic Policy at the White House National Economic Council and National Security Council
  • Corporate Entrepreneur
  • Futurist of Work
  • Future Boards
book a
The Speed Trader作者
Edgar  Perez
  • Global Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning Expert
  • Author of Knightmare on Wall Street and The Speed Traders
  • Business consultant for billion dollar equity and hedge funds
  • Futurist and Cyber Security Keynote Speaker
  • Extensive research on Deep Learning for his upcoming volume The AI Breakthrough, How Artificial Intelligence is Advancing Deep Learning and Revolutionizing Your World, to be released in 2018.
Han Shi 001
  • Resident Scholar at the Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
  • An expert in international business issues, including competition and cooperation between state and non-state economic entities
  • Managing Partner of ChinaLine, LLC

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