Enzio Von Pfeil

● Chief Macro Investment Strategist, Private Capital Limited
● Global economist based in Hong Kong or 25+ years
● Chief Regional Economist: Smith New Court Far East Ltd., SG Warburg Far East Ltd., ABN-AMRO Ltd.
● Iconoclastic predictor of national and global trends

Eric Fish Headshot
  • Journalist focused on Chinese youth and education
  • Author of China’s Millennials: The Want Generation
  • Writing forthcoming book on Chinese students in the United States
Gao Jian
  • Senior Advisor of China Development Bank
  • Senior Economist in China
  • Former Visiting Scholar in the Department of Economics in Harvard
  • Founder of China’s Government Securities Market
  • Senior Fellow, Asia Society
  • An expert on U.S.-China relations, Chinese political risk, North Korea, international affairs, and Asian politics
  • On-air contributor, CBS-N, international affairs analyst, PRI’s The World
John Kachtik
  • Political Consultant
  • Expertise in government relations, legislative processes, and U.S. state politics
  • Former national security advisor to Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate and senior aide for North Korea policy at the U.S. Department of State
  • Directed NGO offices in Asia, focused on humanitarian aid and good-governance
Olin Wethington 001
  • Chairman and Principal, Wethington International LLC, an investment advisory firm
  • An expert in finance, the global economy, global geopolitical trends and U.S. foreign policy (Asia, Europe, Middle East)
  • Former Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary of the Economic Policy Council in the White House; Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Treasury; Special Envoy on China, U.S. Treasury
  • Senior Fellow and Executive Director, Project on Shaping the Asia-Pacific Future, Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, Atlantic Council
RLP (1)
  • Randy spent 28 years with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations, most recently serving as the Chief CIA representative in China
  • Randy previously spent more than a decade as Managing Partner for Asia of the Mintz Group, managing the Group’s activities across Asia
  • Senior Fellow, Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia.
  • Award-winning journalist and author
  • President of Harves Investment Group
  • Founder of The Wade Group
  • Former Senior Vice President and Head of China Operations at Green Tech Automotive
Stefen Chow
  • Summitted Mount Everest at 25
  • World Press Photo winning photographer and film maker
  • Inspirational father who solo travels with his toddler children
  • Co- Founded The Poverty Line, a global poverty project that was highlighted by the World Bank and exhibited internationally

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